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Last Words, 2/2003 Archive

In July 02 FCC Extended wireless number portability to Nov 03, then in January 03 CTIA stated that "Number portability is as unnecessary in the competitive wireless market as socks on a fish". Couple of petitions later Senator Schumer Unveils comprehensive cell phone user bill of rights. (28/02/03) US Senate


Peeter Marvet from Estonia has developed a real-time SMS posting and advertising system. People can place text ads on a web site and pay for them using an SMS equiped phone. Read the reklaami.kolhoos article (28/02/03)

This Samsung phone is designed to tie in with the sequel to The Matrix and no doubt will be a big hit.
Read the full article (27/02/03)
matrix phone

Smart Mobs

Jailed drug leader coordinated a bomb and riot in Rio de Janeiro by a cellphone from Bangu's jail! Read the Smart Mobs article (26/02/03)

According to experts, wireless data services "are uniformly terrible".
Read the Unstrung article (26/02/03)
Unstrung Logo

Manx Telecom

Another mobile call back scam, this time in Europe!
Read the Manx Telecom press release. (26/02/03)

The State of Ireland has had a secret data retention regime for almost a year, after the Cabinet confidentially instructed telecommunications operators to store traffic information about every phone, fax and mobile call for three years. Read the Irish Times article (26/02/03) Irish Times Logo


The world is full of signages of telecommunication companies that long ago shut down or changed their name.
Read the Wired article. (25/02/03)

Moblogging is becoming mainstream. BBC article claims that people will soon be able to publish their own website via their phones, but this has already been around for a while. (24/02/03) BBC Logo

USB charger

More unusual mobile phone chargers!
See the latest methods. (22/02/03)

The telecommunications network of the the tiny Pacific island of Nauru has collapsed. This country is in big trouble.
Read the BBC article. (22/02/03)
BBC Logo

American Bird Concervancy

An estimated 4 to 10+ million night migrating birds collide with communication towers each year in the USA because of the height of tower, guy wires, lighting, weather and location.
Read the American Bird Concervancy article. (21/02/03)

These are desperate times in telecommunication industry. "The telecommunications equipment industry is quietly pinning its hopes on a quick Iraqi war" to gain contract in Iraq.
Read the New York Times article. (20/02/03)
The New York Times Logo

Word Spy logo

Check the latest Mobile Phone related words and phrases from the Word Spy. (19/02/03)

Camera mobile phones will create privacy concerns.
Read the Wired article. (18/02/03)

the register logo

Picture Phone can be useful. This could be another killer application candidate! Read the Register article. (18/02/03)

Courts and law makers getting tough against irresponsible cell phone use. Read RCR News article. (14/02/03) rcr wireless

the register logo

One text spammer gets fined in the UK. Couple of thousand more complains under investigation.
Read the Register article. (11/02/03)

Pilgrims are boosting the mobile phone sales in Saudi-Arabia.
Read the Arab News article. (10/02/03)
Arab News logo

NJ logo

Don't loose your phone when you are robbing someone!
Read the article. (09/02/03)

Gun phones are still around!
Read the Yahoo article. (08/02/03)
yahoo logo


No phone conversation is really secure. Here is a high profile case.
Read the Sydney Morning Herald article. (07/02/03)

Even the police knows that some of the "mobile thefts" are insurance frauds.
Read the Hertfordshire Constabulary article. (06/02/03)
Hertfordshire Constabulary

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