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Last Words, 1/2002 Archive
A prototype radio device designed to fit inside a human tooth and
provide covert mobile phone communications has been created by two UK students.
[And it is not a bluetooth] Read the article (14/06/02)
Observer reports
that "use of hand-held technologies, such as mobile phones, GameBoys and
computers, has caused a physical mutation in the under-25s, according to
new research". |
Military PDA;
The Joint Expeditionary Digital Information System (JEDI) collect and disseminate
a battlefield information for soldiers and vehicles in the battle area.
Another amazing product seen for sale in the Net: "The
Individual Non-Magnetic Disam Protection System involves a complex system
of protection against electrical, magnetic, and other hazardous energy fields
such as those generated by cell phones, computers, etc. This system operates
by amplifying existing human energy structures such as canals, meridians,
auras, and chakras. In a similar manner, it balances the neuro-regulatory
actions of the sympathetic, and parasympathetic nervous systems." Link not provided.
Telesymphony, a concert performed entirely through the ringing of the audience's mobile phones.
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