3G / UMTS Hot Spots

High network traffic areas, like shopping centres, high rise buildings and stadiums need dedicated capacity solution to handle extra load. Macro network coverage does not cover tunnels or underground stations. Airports and border crossing areas need solid field strength for roaming subscribers with dedicated sites. Dominant WCDMA coverage is required in open areas, with with big traffic peaks, and generally in-door coverage needs to be improved in all modern mobile networks.
According to 3G network vendors, hot spot sites give the operator:
Competitive advantage
Good image building, ease churn fighting
Increased revenue streams
Prepares the network for wireless LAN rollout
Adds the value to your network
Frees capacity in the macro network
Enables new applications
Must for high data rate WCDMA
Improved network quality
But the reality is that all mobile networks need a priority site plan for special network service hot spots.
Marketing departments hot spot priority location list usually includes:
Must have sites
General in-door rollout list
"Emergency" hot spot list for corporate users
Nice to have sites
Case by case (business case) sites
WLAN target sites
Others, including private residences
Once the network is running, statistics will help to determine where to put additional sites. Existing 2.5G network traffic measurements can also help.
Usual approach:
Business plan and business case
Understand the sites (coverage / capacity / quality / other)
Get the information (through traffic, co-location info, shop locations ...)
Select the approach (greenfield / co-locate / join approach / part development)
Start site acquisition
Select antenna system component mix (tool box)
National vs local approach
Manage customer expectations
Open areas can difficult; handover issues
Layered approach with it's own frequency
Outdoor macro is cheaper, use where justified
Inter-carrier meetings needed
Based on Petri Possi's Hot Spot presentation