Go 4th & txt
by Ship of Fools 2002
August 2002
In March Ship of Fools launched a competition for your favourite Bible passages translated into text message form... er... txt msg 4m. Ship of Fools announced the results of the competition and the launch of the book, r father n hvn.
The Winner for the most creative and inventive Bible txt msg (in 160 characters or less) is Hannah from Welwyn Garden City, England, for her txt msg taken from the Beatitudes...
In 1st place: Hannah, Welwyn Garden City, England (Luke 6:20-23)
Hpy RU por; da kngdm is yrs! Hpy RU hngry; U wl Bfild! Hpy RU sad; u wl lol! Hpy RU whn ppl h8 U Bcos of da Lrd! B gld&dnce 4jy Bcos a gt prz is kpt 4U in hvn.
Read the full article at Ship of Fools